
Etiquette Tips for Wedding and Quinceañera Guests

Etiquette Tips for Wedding and Quinceañera Guests

When you are invited to an event such as a wedding or quinceañera party, you should keep in mind some etiquette tips to behave with elegance and respect at an important event that we are going to witness.

Below, we will give you some etiquette tips for any event you attend. However, it is very important to keep in mind that you must follow the requirements and requests indicated in the invitation.


Etiquette Tips for Wedding and Quinceañera Guests

These etiquette tips will tell you what is expected of you as a guest at a wedding or Quinceañera party. Follow them to the letter and you will be the ideal guest:


The first and most important etiquette tip we can give you is to respond to the invitation as soon as possible. The reason for this is because the hosts will be able to plan better and guarantee enough food and drink for everyone.

Beware of your company

Do not bring company unless you are told to do so in the invitation. Keep in mind that many times an extra guest leads to a mismatch in the organization of the party in general. You could complicate things a lot for the host. 

So, if the invitation indicates that it is for the whole family, everyone can go. However, if it is only addressed to you, you should not bring anyone else. In case it is very necessary for you to be accompanied, an etiquette tip is to ask in advance if you can bring someone with you.

Likewise, and this is very important, if the event is only for adults, it is ideal that you do not bring children. This way everyone will be able to enjoy the experience to the fullest, without any worries.

Punctuality is key

Another of our etiquette tips for you is punctuality. You must be on time, this is a sign of respect towards the hosts or the other guests. Arriving late could disrupt the planning of the event and cause discomfort.

We know that many times we can’t control the things that happen to us. So, if you are going to be late or can’t make it, you should let us know as soon as possible.

Dress appropriately

Etiquette tips

The wedding invitations usually reflect the dress codes. If by chance they are not, you should choose your attire according to the specifics of the event. If the event is during the day, dress in a suit or dress according to the weather, if it is at night the same.

To guide you a little more with this etiquette tip you should know that it is better to go more elegant than very informal. Keep in mind that elegance is always the best accessory.

Don’t forget the gift key Etiquette tips for wedding and quinceañera party

Remember that the hosts invested in you, show gratitude and courtesy. One of the most important etiquette tips is to bring a gift that brings joy and pleases the guests. Don’t make them uncomfortable!

The gift should be related to interests, tastes and also, the type of event. That is to say, if it is a wedding, the gift should be for the couple, to form their home. If, on the other hand, it is a quinceañera party, the gift should be according to the birthday girl’s tastes.

Many times the hosts place gift lists on the invitations, if you have that advantage, give something from that list and you will not fail. Of course, keep in mind the presentation of the gift, wrap it appropriately and deliver it at the right time. A card with a dedication is a must.

Conversation with other guests

Etiquette Tips

Participate in conversations, show interest in others and avoid controversial or contentious topics at all costs. These etiquette tips will help you in any event you attend throughout your life.

Forget your cell phone while you are sharing and conversing with people. If you must use it for an important event, excuse yourself from the conversation so as not to disturb or bother people.

Listen actively to what others want to communicate and avoid being the only one talking in the conversation.

Drink and eat in moderation

Etiquette Tips

These etiquette tips apply to almost every scenario in life. Here we list them for you so that they are much easier to memorize:

  • Don’t pick up food with your hands, use napkins or chopsticks to pick it up.
  • Use appropriate cutlery and utensils for serving and eating.
  • Do not overindulge in the amount of food.
  • Take moderately, you don’t want to draw attention to yourself or commit indiscretions.
  • Don’t ask for things that are not being offered.
  • Enjoy the moment with moderation and politeness.

Be helpful

This etiquette tip is very important. When we are invited to an event we should be attentive, helpful and cooperative. However, you should not exaggerate or cross the line of trust.

Offer your help or collaboration in a delicate manner and only if it is required.

Etiquette Tips

The most important etiquette tips: Say thank you and goodbye

If it is time to leave the event, express your gratitude to the hosts, say goodbye politely and we assure you that they will make a difference. But keep in mind that you should not fall into excessive compliments, because they could look unspontaneous.

A very important etiquette tip is that you should not leave without saying goodbye to the hosts and other guests with whom you have shared a table or talked to for a while. Leaving the event as a fugitive is very rude. 

Respect these rules of etiquette and you will be remembered as an excellent guest, as a person of good manners and it will strengthen your confidence.

Believe it or not, there are things you can do as a guest that won’t cost you any money or effort and will make an unforgettable moment for the guests of the event. A wedding or quinceañera party requires effort, dedication and monetary investment for the hosts and believe us when we tell you that the best thing you can do to be thankful for being there is to know how to behave at every moment of the party. 

It should be noted that it is important not to draw attention to yourself, more than the hosts. Remember that the party is theirs and they should be the protagonists

